Need Help Finding a BluffWorks Cardigan

Need Help Finding a BluffWorks Cardigan

Hey all! I'm sorry if this is the wrong place but I know it's a travel brand. My mom travels for work and had a blue Threshold Cardigan from Bluffworks she lost while moving. It was her favorite easy-to-pack work attire, and she's devastated as it's no longer made. Would anyone have one in L/XL they're willing to part with? I will pay full retail if it is in good condition! Thanks so much!

Any members of this subreddit from Chicago? Looking for intel from Chicago?

Auxillary Bishop Robert Casey of Archdiocese of Chicago is moving to Archbishop of Cincinnati. He is replacing a very conservative regime. Any chance this is a turn to a more reasonable practice of our Faith?

Domane 2020 vs Domane 2025

Salute! Owner of Domane 2020 SL 5 here, been struggling about difference 2020 vs 2025 model, can anyone tell me about that? It is MAJOR odds or not? Only thing I know, what the new Domane ( SL5 GEN 4) have a new ISO SPEED or something about that. Much appreciated

"> Salute! Owner of Domane 2020 SL 5 here, been struggling about difference 2020 vs 2025 model, can anyone tell me about that? It is MAJOR odds or not? Only thing I know, what the new Domane ( SL5 GEN 4) have a new ISO SPEED or something about that. Much appreciated

TIL that nobody wears 99 quite like Jennifer Coolidge, Wayne Gretzky, and Discover.

TIL that nobody wears 99 quite like Jennifer Coolidge, Wayne Gretzky, and Discover.

Wasted to much time on Instagram. So I built this.

Wasted to much time on Instagram. So I built this.

Distraction free Instagram client, it’s still in the early stages of development, but it works well so far!

"> Distraction free Instagram client, it’s still in the early stages of development, but it works well so far!

Do people who stay virgins until they’re 30 become wizards?

I just misgendered my friend and now I’m about to throw up from thinking they’ll hate me now

I forgot to say they I met them before they came out and I have horrible cognitive effects from my lupus which cause a lot of short term memory issues so I have slipped up a few times in person but seeing it in the text made me wanna throw up. I immediately said sorry and tried to continue the conversation and I’m sure they’re not mad cause they understand my brain fog and memory issues. But now my OCD is on a loop saying they’ll hate me and will be upset and won’t want to be my friend anymore. I constantly say “they they they” in my head when thinking about them to try and make it stick but I can barely remember peoples names half the time anymore. It took me 5 years to remember my girlfriends birthday.

Why does China treat India as a rival and Pakistan as an ally ?

1. As I understand it, none of the land in the disputed border regions between India and China is particularly valuable. 2. Keeping these disputes alive allows for the possibility of an effective anti-China alliance in Southeast Asia and keeps open the possibility either a tacit or formal India-US alliance. 3. If there was a China-India reproachment, on the other hand, there would be no possibility of any effective anti-China combination in SE Asia. If this could be pushed further into an outright alliance, it would have huge benefits for both countries, but especially for China. 4. Hooking in with the Indian rail network would allow access to the Indian Ocean, and then to the Persian Gulf by sea. This would mean that China would no longer have to care so much about the straits of Mallaca as a chokepoint to China-bound maritime commerce. 5. In the meantime, what does Pakistan do for China? It's unstable, has terrorists come out of it that it either can't or won't control. For now, these terrorists are focused on the West, but as Western influence wanes, Islamic terrorists will certainly focus attention on Western China. 6. Even if you think you have a government you can work with, you constantly have to worry about the leadership being bribed by the Americans or the Saudis. You get no geopolitical advantages that you don't get going with India. 7. There is some possibility of Pakistan becoming a failed state, making Chinese investment in it a waste. 8. Even though Pakistan gets you access to the Indian Ocean, being the enemy of India means that your access is opposed by the largest navy in the region. 9. In the event of an India-Pakistan conflict, the first thing India does is nuke Gwadar Port, meanwhile India has more than just the one option. Superficially at least, a China-India reproachment or alliance looks like it would be a diplomatic masterstroke. It would make the US basically have to give up any pretense of influence in SE Asia. What am I missing? It's really not as though India really wants to be allied to the West.

Had Kamala won, what would peace in Ukraine look like?

Would you

I promised myself I wouldn't make this...

...but then I did anyway. I have had a REALLY long day. ![img](lqp4u9qimeje1)

What are you feeling exhausted and helpless about?

Craftsman M105 issues. Help!

Took carb off and cleaned it. Put it back on and it ran great for about 2 min then started bogging/running low rpm until it stalled. Im thinking I have something wrong with the linkage reassembly. Does this look correct? I wish I had taken a pic before I pulled it off. I cant find a diagram anywhere on line

Sonalee Kulkarni Benodekar Marathi Actress #SonaleeKulkarni

With Trump There's Always Something Corrupt: The Commercial Impetus Behind Trump’s Targeting of South Africa

Private vs Super Private

Played with a brand new friend, realized that almost all the shit I use on the regular is sub-lvl 10, and it's such good shit! You don't need to be a crazy level or have everything unlocked to be an ultra democratic Helldiver.

"> Played with a brand new friend, realized that almost all the shit I use on the regular is sub-lvl 10, and it's such good shit! You don't need to be a crazy level or have everything unlocked to be an ultra democratic Helldiver.

I can’t tell if I had fp or a stomach bug

So for context, my stomach last night was cramping really bad and then around 4 I had violent d* and tu* at the same time. The last time I tu* was like 9 am and I took a nap and felt better but now I feel like my stomach is making noises again and hurts a bit. It’s my upper abdomen. I’ve had fp before but I only tu* once from it & my stomach hurt the rest of the day. I also have chills and now congestion is starting to hit too. I’m just very scared of tu* again cuz it sucked so bad. I’ve been hydrated with ice water and I only ate two pieces of toast today so I’m thinking potentially I feel off again cuz I haven’t ate much at all? Idk. What should I do?

STAR-C2GJ-XSSS for 5,000 UEC [+Free LTI Dragonfly with Coalfire Paint until February 17th]

Star Citizen Referral Code: STAR-C2GJ-XSSS Use the following links Create an account - []( All referrals, (anyone who uses my referral code and spends $40+ on RSI website) will receive a Drake Dragonfly with Coalfire paint and Lifetime Insurance until February 17th for FREE. As an experienced player, I can help answer any questions regarding 4.0, ship sales, how CCU’s work, NPC Bounties, in-game mining, and how to save some money via warbonds on internet spaceships. Send me a message if you use my code. Thank you

Which DOS or Windows 3.11 game would you love to play but can't find and/or don’t have time to set up locally?

Feel like yourself again with a weight loss plan that’s personalized from the start. Weight Loss by Hims provides 360° treatment plans tailored to individual needs, ongoing care and check-ins which are 100% online, and the ability to track the five most important weight loss habits in the app.

Feel like yourself again with a weight loss plan that’s personalized from the start. Weight Loss by Hims provides 360° treatment plans tailored to individual needs, ongoing care and check-ins which are 100% online, and the ability to track the five most important weight loss habits in the app.

Thanks to this sub for turning me onto this! Crawler lvl1 as of late last night

Had never heard of this series, and this sub started popping up in my scroll. Got the sample for Book1 last night, bought the full book about 15min later, and am halfway through it and bought book2 today :) Was quite anxious was gonna be a too twee and self-impressed, but just a freaking rollicking read!

PSU for 9070XT + 5950X

I currently have a 1080TI and AMD 5950X CPU and thinking about upgrading to a 9070XT. I have a 750w power supply and mainly play competitive first person shooters (Marvel Rivals, Valorant) and occasionally RPGs like Final Fantasy XVI and Final Fantasy VII Remake on Steam, all on 1080P. I was wondering if I needed a higher wattage PSU to support the 9070XT if I end up going for it, say like 850w or 1000w? Thanks.

Irasutoya acrylic Stand

Bad experience with kinetic motorcycles

Bad experience with kinetic motorcycles Wondering if anyone else has had a bad experience with kinetic motorcycles. I bought the sportster speedo relocation bracket. ( ) It says it fits 1993-2020+ sportsters and they have you put in your make and model to get you the right one. I have a 2001 sportsters so I put in the exact year and model I have. When I received the product, the indicator lights didn’t fit right so I reached out via email through their website. I was originally impressed with how fast they responded. I was told they sent me the wrong model for my year and that they would send the right one with a return label inside to ship the old one back. It’s been 20 days since then and I haven’t received anything. Over that 20 days I reached out via the email chain again, nothing. I reached out via text, received a message saying, “Yes you received the wrong year correct ?” I told them yes and then nothing. Texted the number again, nothing. I called twice and was sent to voicemail both times. I tried sending a new email through their website explaining the situation and still nothing. Maybe I’m dumb and missed it but I also can’t find a place to leave a review on their website. I was under the impression this was a credible company.

Why are millennials buying plushies and ‘cute stuff’? It’s to heal their inner child

Labor militancy and “the one big union” are things unions need to embrace

Before you comment, think about the situation we are in. Union strength has wained considerably. This administration, whether it admits it or not, is hostile to unions. The NLRB is gutted, on its deathbed, and hasn’t truly been a force for awhile. Corporations ignore its directions and are actively trying to get rid of it, and will likely succeed in that endeavor. Even if unions grow over the next few years and a different administration takes office, unions cannot rely on the government (no matter who is in office) when corporations have gained the power that they have. The government can, evidently, be bought and sold. Citizens United means it will be increasingly difficult for union friendly candidates to win. As long as corporations feel they cannot be touched, that is the reality. Labor militancy is what unions were built on. As long as corporations know we won’t do anything, and that the government won’t/can’t do anything, they dictate it. People are going to need to get used to a lot of concepts they’ve shunned. Yeah you’re going to have to read stuff that critiques capitalism heavy so you understand what you’re up against. No, I don’t care if you are a socialist or not. I care that we continue to exist without being shackled to a corpo government.

My sweet Jasper

Jasper resting beside his Mr Bite Me. He has ripped the stuffing out several times. I re-stuff and stitch him back up!

"> Jasper resting beside his Mr Bite Me. He has ripped the stuffing out several times. I re-stuff and stitch him back up!

Target restock luck

Caught a full Target football restock for the first time ever. Bought 11 prizm and 3 mosaic fat packs, and a prizm blaster. Ripped with my kids tonight. Just a bit happy with the results. Ran out penny sleeves and top loaders mid rip, and have a stack of more rookies I won’t look through again until new sleeves come in. Not selling/trading.

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